Pathways to Racial Justice
Each Pathway to Racial Justice implements a unique element of racial justice action as voiced by the congregation (Racial Justice Task Force Framework, Spring 2016).
- Actions 4 Justice: Increase RRUUC engagement in civic/policy actions supporting racial justice. The team is currently working on GOVOTE2022 action to get the vote out for the 2022 election. Find information to get involved on our home page and in the eWeekly.
- Educating 4 Change: Develops opportunities to increase personal self-awareness about racial justice through intentional learning and reflection. Learn more about the group and its work here.
- Witnessing 4 Justice: Develops witness opportunities for RRUUC community (including Black Lives Matter Vigil).
- Engaging Communities: Develops opportunities for RRUUC to partner and ally directly with diverse communities.
- Families4Pathways to Racial Justice: Engages racial justice action through a parent and child/youth lens, accounting for different patterns of availability and developmental needs of children and youth.
- Supporting Educational Access: Supports college access fundraising, scholarship selections, and Beacon House.