Social Justice Giving
Social Justice Giving Options
River Road UU Congregation is committed to generous social justice giving. We “extend the offering” or dedicate one entire Sunday morning’s offering each month to those groups and agencies we hold so dear to our hearts. While each organization will be lifted up for special attention during one single month of the coming congregational year, you can also make your generous gifts at any time during the congregational year, including right now. Below is the 2024-25 schedule for our Designated Gift Organizations (note that the calendar is listed July 2024 – June 2025). Watch this space as we continue to identify our monthly gift organizations. Feel free to donate, learn, and connect!
Ways We Give
Extend the Offering – a monthly opportunity to give through our weekly offering during the service.
Giving From the Budget – A budget is a moral document, one that highlights our values, principles, mission, and vision. We are dues paying members to three primary social justice organizations – the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice, and Action in Montgomery.
Discretionary Giving – The minister’s discretionary fund is allocated at the minister’s discretion, and can be used as emergency funds for those in need, including individuals and organizations.
Calvary Women’s Services [carried over from June 2024]
Calvary Women’s Services supports women as they use their own strengths and skills to reach their goals. Women here form a community of support — a sisterhood — that fosters an environment where everyone can reach their highest potential. Each woman who comes through our doors has unique needs. With the right services and encouragement, they are empowered to transform their own lives.
To Be Well Fed
To Be Well Fed is a nonprofit dedicated to fighting childhood hunger in Washington D.C. We partner with public schools to provide groceries for more than 150 children and families in need.
Our mission is to help every child in Washington D.C. arrive at school (in-person or virtual) well nourished and ready to learn!
RRUUC College Access Fund
The College Access Fund has provided scholarships to local public high school graduates with financial needs for almost 20 years. Four-year scholarships go to qualified students selected by Racial Justice Task Force’s Supporting Educational Access Pathway (SEAP) from applications submitted by Mentors, Inc. and College Bound. Through the College Access Fund program, 12 students are currently receiving scholarships and two to four students are added each year based on available funds. Click here to give to College Access Fund.
Anera, which has no political or religious affiliation, works on the ground with partners in Palestine (West Bank and Gaza), Lebanon, and Jordan. We mobilize resources for immediate emergency relief and for sustainable, long-term health, education, and economic development. Our staff serve in their communities, navigating the politics that constrict progress to get help where it’s needed most.
Shepherd’s Table
The Shepherd’s Table is a soup kitchen operated since 1983 as a cooperative interdenominational effort by 30 churches, synagogues, congregations, and other religious institutions. In addition to providing breakfast, lunch, and dinner to hungry persons and families in need, Shepherd’s Table, in cooperation with Interfaith Works, provides social services, training, counseling, medical, ophthalmological, and dental care to its clients. The facility that houses Shepherd’s Table also has several shelters and free studio apartments for homeless persons. For the last 33 years on the second Tuesday of each month a team of 12 to 15 people from RRUUC has served dinner at Shepherd’s Table to between 125 and 200 hungry people. Click to give to Shepherd’s Table
Beacon House Community Ministry
Beacon House Community Ministry provides tutoring, mentoring, cultural, athletic, recreation and nutrition programs for at-risk children ages 5-18 who reside in the Edgewood Terrace community in Northeast Washington, DC. Beacon House was founded in 1991 by Rev. Donald E. Robinson, a UU minister, in response to an overwhelming need for social service programs for youth in what was once a drug- and violence-plagued community. Beacon House has been a designated gift organization for more than 10 years. Click here to give to Beacon House.
La Clinica del Pueblo
La Clinica del Pueblo is a fully accredited, independent clinic in Columbia Heights, DC, that provides high quality, professional and culturally appropriate health services to persons in the Latino community, regardless of ability to pay. La Clinica has been a DPO for more than 10 years. Click here to give to La Clinica.
Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of Maryland (UULM-MD)
Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of Maryland envisions a Maryland free of oppression and injustice, where all are guaranteed basic human and civil rights. This vision is addressed by alerting, educating, activating and facilitating a statewide UU base to advocate for legislation before the Maryland General Assembly each year. Recent issues include health care reform, ending marriage discrimination against same-sex couples, global warming and abolition of the death penalty. Click here to give to UULM-MD.
Partner Church Program
Partner Church supports RRUUC’s two partner churches in Fiatfalva, Transylvania, and Mawblang, N.E. India. Resources from abroad, including from RRUUC, have been essential in keeping the Unitarian movement alive in Transylvania, where it originated. Click here to give to Partner Church Program.
Green New Deal
Peace of Mind, Inc
The goal of Peace of Mind is to help children learn skills they need to face challenges in their own lives and challenges facing our world with kindness, compassion and courage. We do this through our innovative PK-8th grade curriculum that integrates mindfulness, neuroscience, conflict resolution and social justice. Peace of Mind is a 501c3 organization that impacts children throughout the DC-area and across the country and is led by longtime River Roaders Linda Ryden and Cheryl Dodwell.
Montgomery County Partners for Animal Well-being
The mission of the Montgomery County Partners for Animal Well-being (MCPAW) is to end pet homelessness and suffering in our community. To that end, MCPAW runs a weekly petfood bank for underserved residents so they can keep their pets at home; MCPAW runs a spay/neuter foster/adoption program for community and stray cats so they can find their forever homes; and MCPAW’s KALM medical fund provides the funds necessary for pets who need special veterinary care that are beyond the resources of their owners.