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Our 2024-25 Board:


Linda Bleadingheiser

Vice Chair

Dan Glor

At Large

Rich Bergemann

Beth Dewey

Diana Gilpatrick

Stefan LoBuglio

Rose Sokol

Mandy Wimmer-O’Brien


Jai Chopra, Treasurer

Ana Lim, Acting Secretary

Board Liasons and Representatives (2023-24, update pending)

Board Meetings

The meetings of the Board of Trustees are usually held the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm over Zoom.

You can read the most recent minutes for the Board of Trustees here.

With the exception of rare executive sessions, meetings are open to members and friends of the congregation. Members who wish to speak on an issues at a board meeting should review the policy on speaking at a board meeting.

The Board agrees to and follows this covenant. They are operating using this Strategic Plan.