Green Sanctuary
The Unitarian Universalist Green Sanctuary’s mission “provides structure, leadership and support, in broad collaboration, for the UU faith community to engage in an ambitious Environmental Justice and Climate Justice movement that seeks to live fully our seventh principle and achieve our vision of a viable and just world for all.”
River Road was originally accredited as a Green Sanctuary Congregation in 2006. As one of the earliest adopters of the program, it put RRUUC on the path towards sustainable practices that are grounded in Unitarian Universalism.
Here’s a December 2020 update on our progress.
RRUUC’s Green Sanctuary Re-Accreditation Proposal Submitted to the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)
In January 2020, the RRUUC Board of Trustees authorized the creation of a congregational team to pursue re-accreditation as a Green Sanctuary. Team members are Charlotte Moser and Glen Peppel, Co-Chairs; Jack Lebowitz, Marcie Meditch, Sarah Price, Joe Saliunas (advisor), Leigh Scott, David Ward, Walter Weiss, and Rev. Amanda Weatherspoon.
The team conducted assessments of all program and administrative areas of RRUUC to find out what environment activities were currently under way and a congregation-wide survey to determine environmental priorities.
At the June 14, 2020 Annual Meeting, an initiative to Renew RRUUC’s Green Sanctuary Accreditation was unanimously approved by Members. This step initiates a multiyear process intended to integrate good environmental practices, environmental awareness, and a voice for environmental justice throughout the full range of River Road activities.
On August 25, 2020, the Green Sanctuary team submitted its proposal to the Unitarian Universalist Association for RRUUC Candidacy for Green Sanctuary Re-Accreditation. The proposal, designed to fit UUA criteria, includes nine items in the Action Plan to be completed before re-accreditation is granted. UUA will review the RRUUC application and provide feedback in mid-September potentially for plan modification. To learn about the Action Plan and progress toward achieving it, click here.
Moral Response to Our Climate Emergency
As part of our climate advocacy efforts to reach across RRUUC to institutionalize environmental activism, members of RRUUC’s Earth Ministry conducted an intergenerational lay-led service advocating for climate action. Additionally, congregants received a list of things they could do to help stop climate change. Find a copy here.