RRUUC’s Contemporary Issues Forum (also called Coffee, Conversation, and Controversy) has been informing our members and guests for the past 35 years with over 30 programs per season. The programs often focus on social justice issues, but also include an eclectic range of topics including foreign relations, U.S. security, state and federal government policy, art, history, nature and more.

We are using safe practices during this period of COVID, and the Forum will always be online, via Zoom, 12:00pm-1:00pm. Upcoming dates will be publicized in the eWeekly, and the link to attend will be sent in our “worship links” email the Saturday before each Forum. If you are interested in attending a Forum and are not on our mailing list, please contact us.

Upcoming Forums

Sun., May 21, 12-1pm, via Zoom
“Having Trouble Using a Website? It’s Not You; It’s the Design!” from Elizabeth Buie, PhD

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires digital services to provide equal access to people with impairments, whether sensory, motor, or cognitive. Many designers are unaware of the full extent of the requirements, and tend to overlook some if not many of them. This makes the services harder and harder to use as we grow older. This talk will explain what you should expect from digital services and what you can do when one fails to meet your expectations.

Elizabeth Buie, MS, MA, PhD, is a digital user experience consultant and user researcher for Nexer Digital Ltd (UK). One of her areas of specialization is design for older adults. She always contacts the organization when a website fails to meet accessibility standards.

Register to attend this forum at 
https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtd-uhrjMoE9KsQKNd4P6ngVJX0pdRm3_F. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Watch this page, read the eWeekly and follow us on social media for updates on future Forums.

Past Forums will be posted on our YouTube channel.