Activity Groups
Activity groups are where you can meet others, have fun and connect!
These groups are drop in and can be of varying sizes. If you wish more information, email us or complete a contact form.
Book Group
Discuss a book each month and participate in shared leadership with the group. Meets via Zoom on the third Friday of the month, 9:45am for socializing, 10–11:30 am for discussing the book.
Artists and crafters work on their projects while sharing conversation and fellowship. Meets the first Monday of the month, 11am to 12pm, via Zoom.
Fine Arts Committee
Curate shows with other art appreciators, displayed in the Fellowship Hall.
Grounds Committee
Help keep RRUUC’s grounds looking great and natural! Learn about native plants and control of invasive species and meet others who like to get their hands dirty! We meet, weather permitting, the first Saturday of the month from 10am to noon to weed, prune, plant, etc., as well as when weather conditions are too good to pass up! For questions or to get on the list to find out about cancellations or spontaneous workdays, contact
Heart to Heart – Women’s Group
Join other women for a monthly discussion on a topic chosen by the members. Meets the first Monday evening of every month on Zoom.
Men’s Group
Join other men age 50+ for monthly social gatherings. Held via Zoom.
Social Bridge
There is always room at the table for you to join in on an afternoon of friendly, social bridge. Meets occasionally over Zoom.
Spiritual Storytelling
A monthly gathering of storytellers, divided into two smaller groups. Present a story based on an assigned topic to your classmates. Registration opens once a year in August.
Widows or Widowers
Rather than a grief group, this is an activities group. Occasionally meets for lunch after Sunday service, but currently most meetings are held over Zoom. Pre-pandemic, activities included museums, films, and walks.
Women’s Group
Join a group of senior women who support each other through monthly discussions on a wide variety of topics selected in turn by each of the members. Meets via Zoom.
Writing Together/Journaling as a Spiritual Practice
Write with a small group as a way to practice your spirituality.