Capital Area UU Climate Convocation
DMV UU Climate Convocation
Saturday, May 6 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
River Road UU Congregation
At this event, Environmental Justice and Earth Ministry groups from all area UU congregations seek to
- Form an ongoing DC-MD-VA UU climate network that works together in climate-related interest groups;
- Create solidarity and support across congregations, caring for one another in our efforts;
- Offer common programs and projects such as monthly climate webinar/events;
- Create opportunities for celebration such as an annual UU climate event.
9:00: On-site registration, informal gathering with coffee, light vegan breakfast, conversation.
Browse the activities of our congregations presented in five categories:
- FIRE – clean energy production and conservation
- AIR – greenhouse gases and other gaseous & particulate pollutants
- WATER – access, conservation and flood risks
- EARTH – land, farming and forests, food production and waste
- SPIRIT – human connection, advocacy for justice and equity
10:00: Spiritual grounding in the Sanctuary, led by Rev. Nancy Ladd, RRUUC
10:15: Potomac Partnership Ministers will participate in a panel discussion reflecting on the intersection of racial justice, environmental justice, and climate action. Q&A to follow.
- Rev. Abhi Janamanchi, Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Congregation
- Rev. Aileen Fitzkee, UU Congregation of Sterling, VA
- Rev. Charlotte Lehmann, Bull Run UU
- Rev. Carol Thomas Cissel, Minister of Social Justice and Community Development, UU Church of Arlington
- Rev. David A. Miller, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax
- Rev. Nancy Ladd, River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation
11:15: Break
11:30: Brief presentation of potential common and joint actions for the remainder of 2023:
- Our congregational facilities and the lands and waters around them
- Environmental justice and equity partnerships
- Legislative & policy advocacy (local, state, national)
- Spiritual connections to nature and climate in the Sanctuary & in RE
- Food (presentation during lunch)
12:15: Vegan buffet lunch, table discussions, and free-will offering
1:00: Consensus discussion:
- What joint actions should we take back to our home congregations for engagement and approval
- What are our mechanisms for executing these actions?
1:45: Closing led by ministers
2:00: Cleanup