The River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation approved our Resolution on Racial Justice at the 2020 Annual Meeting, June 14, 2020.

As individuals, we committed to a new level of engagement, to continually seek ways to use our voices, our privilege, our standing in the community to effect change

As a congregation, we committed to turning a new page. We declared the obvious—that Black lives matter to our beloved community. We affirmed the need for powerful words and collective action, both to call out injustice and to call in love.

Our Commitment to Action and the Three Touchstones to Our Resolution

Approving the Resolution was only one step in building the Beloved Community that includes every one of us. But what does it mean to put our commitment into action? There are many ways:

Pathways to Racial Justice: River Road is alive and engaged in racial justice! There are many opportunities to get involved through the Racial Justice Pathways. Whether it’s being in witness at Friday night Black Lives Matter Vigils, joining a book discussion with Educating4Change, or working directly with impacted communities through Engaging Communities, there’s something for everyone! Contact Rita Parks for more information.

The 8th Principle Project joins the work of UUs across the country to uplift and affirm our Association’s commitment to racial justice, equity, multiculturalism, and building the Beloved Community.

Widening the Circle of Concern: At the New Orleans General Assembly in 2017, the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Commission on Institutional Change was established. It was charged by the UUA Board of Trustees to conduct an audit of white privilege and the structure of power within Unitarian Universalism, and analyze structural racism and white supremacy culture within the UUA.

Over the following three years, the Commission shared regular communications and curated numerous forms of community engagement in the work of institutional change. These resources and collateral materials support the final work of the Commission, Widening the Circle of Concern: Report of the UUA Commission on Institutional Change. It was presented to the Board of Trustees and General Assembly in June 2020. [from]