Hosted by All Souls Church Unitarian, Washington, DC, and led by Rev. Rob Keithan, Minister for Social Justice.
There’s so much suffering and injustice in our world that urgent action is desperately necessary. At the same time, moving too fast makes it more likely that we’re unconsciously replicating some of the oppressive patterns we’re trying to stop. How can we ensure that our work isn’t just transactional, but truly transformational?
Join Zoom via the All Souls homepage* or come to River Road for a watch party in the Sanctuary. We will not have childcare options available this Sunday. Service starts at 10:30am (different from our usual start time!)
*Video for rewatching is not available at this time.
Join our hosts:
All Souls will be welcoming all who are masked and vaccinated to join in the music making on Sun., July 3. A super pickup choir will rehearse that morning starting at 9am and will be accompanied by an amazing band and soloists. Please join in, even if you are not a regular part of the music ministry at your home congregation!
RE children K and up are invited to The Spiritual Practice of Juggling, in-person at All Souls. Join local juggler, Daniel Riker, as we experience the world of juggling. Juggling scarves provided but bring your own juggling supplies and passions if you have them.