RRUUC supports art as an important component of the life of members, friends, and the broader local community. Art is an expression of the human spirit. Art often touches viewers in a deep and significant way and can provide experience of mystery and wonder, which is one source of insight for Unitarian Universalists.

The Fine Arts Committee usually organizes art exhibits at RRUUC for the benefit of area artists and the appreciation of those using the Fellowship Hall.

Mark Leatherman Photography – on display from May 5, 2024

An exhibit of landscape photography by RRUUC member Mark Leatherman will be on display in the Fellowship Hall beginning Sun., May 5. Mark’s work has been shown at RRUUC in the past, as well as at Art-o-matic, Glen Echo, and other UU’s in the area. This exhibit will mostly include images produced in the past year, both locally and at National Parks.

An opening reception will be held on May 5 at noon in the Fellowship Hall and lasting until 1:30pm.

Mark says this about his work: “Most people have experienced a feeling of deep connection to natural beauty. It is, I believe, a trait hard-wired into our psyches; a link to both our own spiritual basis and that of the Earth and universe. My goal is to depict that feeling that I experienced and to evoke it in the viewer.”