
Hi River Roaders,

I’ve always been an advocate of the Meister Eckhart quote, “If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.” This month I’ll share some things that made me thankful recently.

I’m thankful for crab apple fruits that will nourish mockingbirds later this winter.

I’m thankful for the grasses, rushes, and sedges that line our springs.

I’m thankful for the milkweed plants on the corner of the upper parking area that have seeds every fall.

I’m thankful for the plants, like this meadow rue, that can stay green all winter.

I’m thankful for the witch hazel tree that blooms in the winter.

I’m thankful for leaves floating in our springs.

I’m thankful for the foresight of the groundskeepers who came before us and planted our wonderful American holly trees that will feed flocks of robins all winter.

I’m thankful for the copper flashing on our new roof.

I’m thankful for the beech tree leaves that persist through the winter.

I’m thankful for the moss that grows under the large beech tree in the Memorial Garden.
