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River Road UU Congregation

6301 River Road
Bethesda MD 20817
(entrance on Whittier Blvd.)

(301) 229-0400

RRUUC is an easy-access facility.

Resolution on Racial Justice
As individuals, we commit to a new level of engagement, to continually seek ways to use our voices, our privilege, our standing in the community to effect change.
As a congregation, we commit to turning a new page. We declare the obvious—that Black lives matter to our beloved community. We affirm the need for powerful words and collective action, both to call out injustice and to call in love.

RRUUC Land and Labor Acknowledgment
We acknowledge that the land on which we worship is the traditional land of the Nacotchtank and Piscataway people and the land through which other Indigenous Peoples traveled. We acknowledge that enslaved African people and their descendants likely labored and lived on this land. We recognize these and other people displaced, enslaved, or harmed by past injustices.

We pledge that we will follow our faith in love and work to make our congregation and our larger community more accessible, inclusive, and equitable. We pledge that we will be good stewards of the land by encouraging healthy ecosystems. We pledge to remember the past while building a more just and welcoming future for all. 

Love is the Color of Something Here

To live from a radical center of love is prophetic, creating a new path forward.  What is the world you want to create?  How will you inhabit it?  Musical text will be “I Wanna Believe” by Climbing Poetree.  This is Rev. Louise’s last day with us.