
Hi River Roaders,

A week or so ago, I ran into Jan, Diana, and Pauline as they were laying out the outline of a mandala in the gravel area behind the memorial garden. Building a mandala is a spiritual practice, originating in eastern religions, that is based on a circular pattern and symbols. Our mandala was made using natural materials contributed and laid out by members of our Congregation.

Our mandala.

The base of the holly tree at the center of the circle.

Smooth stones.

Several birds nests were added.

Lots of sticks and bark.

Pine cones.

Young pine cones, with peach pits. When the mandala was built, there was fruit on the peaches. The squirrels were happy.

Oyster shells and a woodpecker log.

Bark and pine cones.

Some mandala’s designed with sand are washed away when they are done, to demonstrate the impermanent nature of life. We’ll keep our mandala for a little bit until we need to make room for a temporary tent that will host outdoor RE this fall.

Stay cool,
