Summertime Blues

Hi River Roaders,

This week we’ll continue our flower retrospective, with a focus on the blue flowers on our grounds thru the seasons.

Early spring brings the pleasant blooms of Glory of the Snow in our Peace Pole Garden.

Soon to follow in mid-Spring our our Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginica), a classic spring ephemeral.

Late spring brings a profusion of Violets (viola sp.), a host plant for many insects and a deer favorite.

Late spring also brings the tubular flowers of Lyre Leaf Sage (Salvia lyrata).

Spring is also the time for these Forget-Me-Nots in the Memorial Garden.

Our Blue Flag (Iris versicolor) blooms in early summer in Springsview Garden. I hope to divide this in the fall.

Summertime brings Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium sp.) around the Building and in Springsview Garden.

Summer brings Blue Mistflower (Conoclinium coelestinum) to multiple places. It’s a pollinator favorite.

Late summer brings the showy blooms of the Obedient Plant (Physotegia virginiana) to Springsview Garden.

Looks like we’ll have some nice, low-humidity days coming up. Enjoy!
