Charting Our Course for the Future
River Road UU Congregation has been a place of spirituality, joy, and community for over 60 years. It has evolved with the seasons, ministerial transitions, and the changing world. How … read more
River Road UU Congregation has been a place of spirituality, joy, and community for over 60 years. It has evolved with the seasons, ministerial transitions, and the changing world. How … read more
Unitarian Universalists speak often about building “beloved community”, but many don’t know what that means. What, exactly, is “beloved community”? You can watch this service live on YouTube or join us in … read more
It’s been more than 50 years since Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. last preached of love, justice, and equality. How have his teachings resonated over the years? What would … read more
As we enter the new year, we imagine what is possible and co-create our future. You can watch this service live on YouTube or join us in person. RE classes will meet … read more
Come share poetry, music, and stories of the season. Email Rev. Connie by Dec. 22 if you have a short poem you’d like to share. This service is in-person only. … read more
“Each night a child is born is a holy night.” – Rev. Sophia Lyon Fahs. We come together as family and friends, united by the spirit of love as we … read more
As we move into the holiday season, we honor the bonds of community by welcoming new members, recognizing all who have found a home at RRUUC over the last year, and celebrating … read more
As we navigate these challenging times, let us pause and celebrate all that we are grateful for. Take some joy into this holiday season. There will be no RE this … read more
None of us can go it alone in this world. At one time or another, we all need a buddy. Join us for an intergenerational service based on The Buddy Bench … read more
Our hearts and minds are filled with hope and concern and all the things as this nation prepares to elect a new president on Tuesday. How do we manage all … read more