Hi River Roaders,
I’ve always viewed our building as a sort of modern Stonehenge, with dramatic light patterns that change through the year. I’ve also wanted to document the patterns during the Summer and Winter Solstices. This month we’ll look at light patterns from December 20 and 21. Our Sanctuary was empty on the 20th, while on the 21st, it was already set up for the solstice service that will be held later in the evening. This will be one of those blogs where no narrative is necessary. The images speak for themselves. Notice our new solar panels on the last two images.

Dec. 20, 8:30am.

Dec. 20, 9:30am.

Dec. 21, 9:30am.

Dec. 21, 9:35am.

Dec. 21, 9:35am.

Dec. 20, 9:40am.

Dec. 20, 11:50am.

Dec. 20, 12:00noon.

Dec. 20, 12:00noon.
That’s all for this month. Stay warm.