
Hi River Roaders,

I had a blog all ready to go this month, but decided to head to RRUUC this morning (Tuesday, January 4) to check out our grounds. The good news is that I got some nice snow photos. The bad news is that we lost one of our large holly trees that is currently blocking the sidewalk on Whittier. Hopefully we can have our tree service remove it soon.

The sunny sky this morning was a deep blue.

Monday’s wet snow was still clinging to most tree branches.

The beech tree in the peace pole garden.

The viburnum by the office entrance creating a shelter.

This is the time of year when grackles and other birds move and feed in flocks.

A holly in the Memorial Garden.

Crepe myrtles facing the bridge.

This shot from Springsview Garden could be mistaken for the Highlands of West Virginia.

Copper on our bell tower glinting in the sun.

I hope you weren’t stuck on I-95 and were able to enjoy the snow!
