Hi River Roaders,
I came of age in the 70’s, and I remember the song by the Five Man Electrical Band that told the tale of a young man and signs. “Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign”. This week we finished a project to redo all of our outside signage, hopefully in a much more positive fashion than described by the song.
The goals of this project were to meet the Handicapped parking needs of the Congregation with clear, consistent markings of existing spaces; meet requirements for Fire Lane marking; remove unnecessary signs; and use industry-standard signage. Lets take a look at the results.

The front handicapped parking area was reconfigured to provide additional handicapped parking places, each with signs and markings that meet Montgomery County standards. We relocated the required stripped access area to provide better access to the garden area.

The rear handicapped parking area was also re-configured to provide an additional parking place. We also adjusted the existing lighting to better focus on the parking areas.

If you remember the previous reserved parking near the entrance, there were two “Minister Reserved At All Times’ signs, and two RE-specific reserved parking signs. We replaced these with two “Staffing Parking Only” signs, for a net reduction of two signs.

Previously, we were missing a number of fire lane signs. We installed all required signs, following Montgomery County requirements. Hopefully the days of cars parking near the exit are over.

Previously we had eight “Visitor Parking Only” signs, each addressing a specific space, and most mounted on low and bent sign posts. We replaced these with two “Visitor Parking” signs that are mounted higher to address the whole area, for a net reduction of six signs.

In a similar fashion, we previously had around a dozen “Sunday Special Needs Parking” signs, each addressing a specific spot, with many mounted on bent sign posts. These were replaced with four signs, mounted higher to address the whole area, for a net reduction of eight signs.
We hope folks are pleased with this new signage. Please send any feedback to Grounds@rruuc.org.