So often, the world throws so much our way – personal struggles, global chaos, fast paces, and busy schedules. We also hold gratitude for the ways in which our lives bring joy. Essentially, we all hold a myriad of truths. And in themidst of our busyness it can be challenging to connect with what’s in our hearts, especially in a struggling world.
Traditionally, a vespers service is a “sunset evening prayer” – typically a more contemplative, soulful service that promotes inward connection. At River Road, a vespers service can be a time to explore and experiment with what worship can be, and already is. A time to gather and be with the complexities of our world and our hearts. A time to connect, to deepen, and to return again. This service will include meditations, music, readings, space for connection with one another, and a grounding in what personal liberation could be for each of us and what collective liberation can be for the wider world. Please join us.