April 2020 will mark the 50th annual celebration of Earth Day in the United States. That means there are nearly two whole generations of earthlings incorporating this type of appreciation and learning into their lives. We have made great strides and also grave mistakes. How do we celebrate the Earth while facing the realities of its destruction? How do we cope with the losses and also make a positive impact? Join guest preacher, Christin Green, to explore life-giving responses to our planet.
Our guest, Christin Green is a recent graduate Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC (May 2019). She is the adopted daughter of two women who raised her in a suburb of Kansas City, MO. Christin transplanted to Washington, DC in 2008 to earn a Master of Arts in Women’s Studies from The George Washington University. After completing her Masters, she decided to stay in the area and pursue nonprofit work. The continuing search for purpose led her to attend seminary. Upon graduation, Christin accepted a Chaplain Resident position in Newark, DE at Christiana Care Hospital from August 2019-2020. She looks forward to sharing her time and talent as a musician, a poet, a lifelong learner, and a UU minister in formation.