Find Earth Ministry’s Calendar of Events here.
Our meetings are usually held on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 11:30; watch for announcements in the eWeekly for details. NEXT MEETING SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 at 11:30 ON ZOOM.
It’s a month of long-awaited achievement for RRUUC, and the optimistic energy is flowing!
First, visitors to the building have seen the gorgeous solar panel array now gracing the roof of our landmark building, and as someone said last Sunday, it looks like it has always been there! To learn how you can begin to join the clean solar revolution at home, attend our virtual Earth Ministry meeting on Dec. 18 at 11:30 on Zoom, where RRUUC member and architect Josh Mohr will talk us briefly through his experience with installing home solar.
Second, we have now completed all three phases of a Full Building Tune-Up (FBT) process carried out by era building solutions. The energy-saving measures identified during Phases I and II are being implemented by our Building Committee and Building Manager, Mandy Kelly, to create lasting climate-friendly results. Read the details here!
And third and most exciting: we were notified by UUA on December 15 that, after a dedicated two-year process, RRUUC has achieved recertification as a UUA Green Sanctuary!! A congregational vote at the 2020 Annual Meeting launched the process aimed at raising awareness at RRUUC—and action—in all congregational activities to mitigate the effects of climate change. Projects initiated by the Green Sanctuary team crossed RRUUC program areas, showed our commitment to these goals, and will be celebrated during the service on Sunday, January 22nd!
Our work is in no way completed, of course! In addition to keeping our own house green clean and sustainable, we have a responsibility to guide our local and state representatives in working towards Green policies and laws. On Sunday, January 22, CIF and EM will join to present a session with Dr. Phil Webster, Climate Advocacy Team Leader for the UU Legislative Ministry of Maryland. Phil will talk about how we can support climate legislation priorities during the MD General Assembly of 2023.

A hearty dozen of the 25 participants in this fall’s Climate Reset Workshops gathered to celebrate with a plant-based brunch and to share further ideas for reducing our carbon footprints at home and for Earth Ministry’s work in the year ahead. You can try out the CoolClimate Calculator, and access the CoolBlock guidance here to learn more…and you can click here to view the vegetarian and vegan recipes that were shared!