At our June 7 music service, Linda led us singing one of my favorite songs. Morning on our grounds can be a special time, with breaking sunlight casting shadows that late sleepers will not be able to appreciate. Here are some early morning images from the past week.

Our tower from the fireside patio.

Cardinal flower by the second bridge in the back. It should be blooming in the next several weeks.

Tulip trees (and a beech) on the rear corner of our lot.


View from the trail.

Our Shadbush (Amelanchier sp.) also known as Juneberry. The catbirds love these.

The slope behind the Fellowship fall heading toward River Road is underappreciated.

Our bridge, reflecting the results of the vote at our Annual Meeting.
That’s all for this week. Please reach out to me if you would like to do a “take over” of the blog for a week. The only ground rule is that all photos need to be taken on RRUUC grounds.