Hi River Roaders,
I hope folks are getting excited about our return to in-person services. I know I am. When you return to RRUUC, I hope you can find time to take a walk around the grounds. This is a great time of year to find a nice spot near some flowers and just watch the variety of bees, wasps, flies, and other pollinators that flock to our native wildflowers.

The many cardinal flowers (Lobelia cardinalis) in Springsview Garden are in peak bloom. A hummingbird and butterfly favorite!

The bridge garden has lots of black-eyed susans and blue mistflower.

The bees love the wingstem (Verbesina alterinafolia) growing under the trees behind the front Handicap parking.

I continue to “discover” new native plants on our grounds, such as this woodland lettuce (Latuca floridana) growing (not surprisingly) by our vegetable garden.

Our new pollinator garden on the front plaza is just rocking! Blooming here are swamp milkweed (pink), butterfly weed (orange), and blue mistflower.

This is the time of year when birds start to migrate. I was surprised today to see a small thrush in the deep shadows of our woods facing River Road. Clear eye-ring, fully spotted breast. I couldn’t make out any red on the head or tail. I’m thinking Wood Thrush (the state bird of DC). What say you, birders? Note: I know this image is fuzzy, but this is typical of how many birders need to identify birds.

We may have the most pollinator-friendly handicapped parking area. This is a great spot to just stand and watch the many pollinators.

Hopefully the days of being drenched when walking out our front door are over. Last week, we signed a contract to replace our roof and some of our non-functional gutters. Watch out for details.
I know I’m looking forward to cooler days and evenings. Stay tuned.