Hi River Roaders,
Spring is in full force! This week, the catbirds, house wrens, and chimney swifts (all birds that breed on our grounds) have returned.
One way of connecting with nature is to join the RRUUC Grounds Crew. We have been gathering in a socially distancing way every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 10 to 12 to work on individual projects. We typically have three or four folks each work day. Please contact Grounds@rruuc.org if you are interested in helping. We have satisfying work for everyone, from experienced gardeners to those with no green thumb. We can add weekend work sessions if there is interest. This week, we’ll look at some on-going Grounds Crew projects.
The Fireside Patio has a new look! Last year, Don cut down the old (and dying) holly trees, our neighbor behind the fence donated the river birch trees (natives), and Deb transplanted the ostrich ferns from the back. The little corner in the back is awaiting adoption!
Linda, Kate, and Katherine have adopted the peace pole garden, adding the stones evoking our logo and new and transplanted plants.
We are building a “Rock Playground” to the left of our entrance plaza, an area long neglected. We’re looking for someone with an artistic sensibility (along with someone with a good back) to adopt this area and place the stones and select and plant a very hardy plant (maybe a grass or sedge) in-between. We want this area to invite folks to hop on the rocks.
Linda has taken on improving our frontage to Whittier. While plans are not finalized, we are thinking about removing the invasive vines, leaving a border of native sedges along the sidewalk, and adding hardwood mulch. Other ideas are welcome!
For many years, there has been a semi-circle of liriope in front of our sign on Whittier, plus rocks piled in front of the sign. This year we are piloting a “cleaner” look by removing the stones and cutting back the liriope. What do you think?
Jan and Kelly are working on installing a wildflower garden to the far left of our entrance plaza. So far, they’ve removed the liriope that was growing in the area. While we haven’t finalized plant selection, we will likely be planting drifts of plants with high pollinator interest, such as swamp milkweed and mountain mint.
Every year, we receive a load of wood chips to use on our trails or to let age and use as mulch. So far this year, we’ve moved about 2/3 of the pile, but there are a lot left. Wood chips are light! It’s fun shoveling and moving them in the wheelbarrow. Really.
They’re coming!