Celebrating with Earth Ministry; the Learning Continues!

Click here to email RRUUCEarthMinistry@gmail.com
Find Earth Ministry’s Calendar of Events here.
Our meetings are usually held on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 11:30; watch for announcements in the eWeekly for details. NEXT MEETING SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 at 11:30 ON ZOOM. Walter Weiss will present on how to how to get the best mileage from your gas powered car and limit your emissions. 


On Sunday, Jan. 22, RRUUC will acknowledge the hard work accomplished since 2020 when we committed to recertifying as a UUA Green Sanctuary!! A congregational vote at the 2020 Annual Meeting launched the process aimed at raising awareness at RRUUC—and action—in all congregational activities to mitigate the effects of climate change. Projects initiated by the Green Sanctuary team crossed RRUUC program areas and included the gorgeous solar panel array now gracing the roof of our landmark building, an overall building energy use tune-up, design and sale of reusable water bottles which can be filled at our water bottle station (you can still purchase yours!), a commitment to prefer plant-based food served with reusable tableware at RRUUC events, a climate action pledge drive and follow-up Climate Reset Workshops, and a partnership between Earth Ministry and RE in the garden and in classrooms. Our work also includes important outreach to communities of color to ensure that our commitment to environmental justice is as strong as our climate change mitigation work.

Members of the Green Sanctuary team, the Building Committee, Earth Ministry, and Animal Ministry have been instrumental in accomplishing these goals, which come with a commitment to ongoing efforts to lower our carbon footprint as a community and to support local policy that limits emissions and increases well-being for all. Join us on Sunday, Jan. 22 for a special climate-focused service followed by a little party during the Coffee Hour in the Fellowship Hall!


Earth Ministry has been seeking out and training folks in the congregation who have expertise in making clean, green changes to their lifestyle. Each month at our EM meetings, one or more of these knowledgeable people will share what they know during a brief presentation followed by Q&A. Our first presenter was RRUUC member and architect Josh Mohr, who talked us through his experience with installing home solar. That presentation and his PowerPoint are now available in the RRUUC Earth Ministry Online Resource Library, accessible here. You’ll also find the main documents that supported our Climate Reset Workshops and the beginnings of an RRUUC Plant-Based Cookbook. Send your favorite vegetarian and vegan recipes to RRUUCEarthMinistry@gmail.com!


Our work is ongoing In addition to keeping our own house green clean and sustainable, we have a responsibility to guide our local and state representatives in working towards Green policies and laws. On Sunday, January 22 from 12:00-1:00, EM is sponsoring an in-person session with Dr. Phil Webster, Climate Advocacy Team Leader for the UU Legislative Ministry of Maryland. Phil will talk about how we can support climate legislation priorities during the MD General Assembly of 2023.


Thanks to EM member Tim Daniel for sharing this climate-related piece from 60 MINUTES.

CBS Documentary: Scientists say planet in midst of sixth mass extinction, Earth’s wildlife running out of places to live

13-minute documentary with Paul Ehrlich, Tony Barnosky, Liz Hadly, and Gerardo Ceballos

In what year will the human population grow too large for the Earth to sustain? The answer is about 1970, according to research by the World Wildlife Fund. In 1970, the planet’s 3 and a half-billion people were sustainable. But on this New Year’s Day, the population is 8 billion. Today, wild plants and animals are running out of places to live. The scientists you’re about to meet say the Earth is suffering a crisis of mass extinction on a scale unseen since the dinosaurs.

We’re going to show you a possible solution, but first, have a look at how humanity is already suffering from the vanishing wild.

Watch the documentary or read the transcript here.