April is Earth Month, and the Earth Ministry group is working with Rev. Nancy to bring you a two-part opportunity to experience climate activism as a spiritual practice during this month of AWAKENING.
Awakening to the state of the planet can bring stress and anxiety, but what if we were to approach this crisis as an opportunity for a deeper and more connected way of living? On Sunday, April 3rd, Rev. Nancy will preach on this question, and then we’ll have a chance to respond right away.
During the service, we’ll ask you as individuals or households to choose and commit to one of the following food-related actions by signing your name on a large poster in the Sanctuary. Those participating virtually will have a Google form made available with these same options.
We’ve chosen FOOD as our action area for April because food solutions are among the most powerful climate actions we can take as individuals. The whole family can participate in food-related actions, and by repeating them daily or weekly, we can strengthen our climate action practice into a spiritual one.
Here are the options:
????Plan a “Smorgasborgel” meal each week. Clean out the fridge, make leftover meals and reduce food waste! We’ll provide a family-friendly table card.
????Add an additional plant-based meal to your weekly menu. The internet is full of plant-based recipe websites like On Common Ground.
????Start composting food waste. Learn about composting, start your own home composting project, join a neighborhood composting coop, contract at home with a service like Compost Crew, or bring your compost on Sundays to RRUUC’s garden tumblers.We’ll provide resources to help you make a choice that’s sustainable for you and for the planet.
????Advocate for food policy changes. Write or call MCPS Board members to support school food composting efforts like the student-led Food Waste Warriors/Coalition to Re-Imagine School Food or participate in an advocacy workshop like Climate Advocate Training or Conservation & Environmental Advocacy 101.
????Commit to another food-related action not listed above.
Which one of these makes a little more demand on your climate-friendly food habits?
It’s up to you whether you start it right away or take some time to organize with intent. Either way, at the service on Sunday, April 17, we’ll all have an opportunity to chat (in the Sanctuary or in Zoom breakout rooms) about how our new commitment to a climate action has or can become a contagious, inspiring spiritual practice!
At both services, members of the Earth Ministry will be there to answer questions and support your new commitment. It’s going to take every one of us moving in the same direction to solve this crisis; let’s eat our way to a healthier planet, together!
The RRUUC Earth Ministry
Join us by emailing RRUUCEarthMinistry@gmail.com.