Annual Meeting
Sunday, June 2, 2024, 11:00am to 12:00pm
This year’s RRUUC Annual Congregational Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, June 2, 2024. The Annual Meeting will take place in the Sanctuary and will be preceded by a slightly abbreviated 10:00am Sunday service. There will be a brief break after the service for coffee and snacks. The Annual Meeting will also be broadcast virtually.
Voting for new Board of Trustees and L&N (Leadership and Nominations) Committee members will take place electronically prior to the beginning of the Annual Meeting. Instructions for how to vote and a link to the voting website were sent to RRUUC members eligible to vote, consistent with the Bylaws.
Meeting Agenda
- Announce results of the elections of new members to the Board of Trustees and L&N Committee
- Summary and Reflection by Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd of the 2023-24 Congregational Year
- Presentation by the Board Chair on progress in our 5-year Strategic Plan
- Reports by the Treasurer and Finance Committee Chair
- A video from our new Interim Minister!
View the extended agenda here.
Candidates for Elected Positions
Click here to view bios for the five Board of Trustees candidates.
- Board of Trustees 3 year terms:
- Beth Dewey
- Diana Gilpatrick
- Rose Sokol
- Board of Trustees 1 year terms:
- Linda Bleadingheiser
- Stefan LoBuglio
Click here to view bios for the five Leadership and Nominations Committee candidates.
- Leadership & Nominations 2 year terms:
- Sue Burnett
- Vonna Heaton
- Arthur Paterson
- Lauree Sails
- Leadership & Nominations 1 year term:
- Ann Bradley
This page will update as we get further information – keep checking back.