Hi River Roaders,
You can appreciate nature at all scales – the stars, the sky, a watershed, a mountain, a pretty scene, a deer, a bird, a flower, and insect, and more. This week we’ll get down in the dirt to take a closer look at some of the smaller wonders on our grounds.
Moss and Lichen on a log.
Spotted wintergreen (Chimaphila maculata) under an oak tree by the middle parking lot. It’s always a joy to discover a new plant on our grounds – this one planted in the perfect spot. They will probably bloom next week.
White flowers from our Blackhaw viburnum (Viburnum prunifolium) falling on moss and a wonderfully weathered log.
This year I’ve been noticing blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium augustifolium) in multiple locations on our grounds. This patch is off the Fireside patio. I have a keen appreciation for the many gardeners who have stewarded our grounds over the years.
A sedge in flower. I’ve tried to be very observant of the different types of sedge on our grounds. They are very hard to identify, but I believe we have 10 to 20 different species on our grounds. This patch is below the gravel area in the back.
Blue flag (Iris versicolor) in our wetland area below the springs.
Forget-me-nots recently planted by the memorial garden benches. Thank you, Kay!
That’s all for this week.